🐣 Difference between Explanation Text and Procedure Text ⏩ Explanation Text : 1. Text that aims to explain a matter of phenomena 2. Has a structure: General statement, explanatory sequence and conclusion ⏩ Procedure Text : 1. Text that aims to explain the steps in carrying out an activity so that the activity will succeed. 2. Have a structure: Purpose, Material and Steps ⏩ Equation of the Explanation Text and Procedure Text : 1. Equally explain the process of something happening 2. Both are nonfiction texts are no 🐣 Explanation Text ⏩General statement : Jamu is a nutritious drink from Indonesia as a health drink, preventing and curing various diseases. Not only for women, turmeric acid can also be beneficial for men in good condition. In addition, turmeric acid in general, which has antioxidants can improve health, reduce the risk of cancer, lose weight, and curcumin conten...